Botany Brews

Skin Blend Tea

Sale price Price $15.00 Regular price Unit price  per 

The skin blend tea helps clear the skin by healing the gut and flushing the lymphatic system. Cleansing the lymph helps remove toxins, pathogen and waste from the fluid that supports the entire body.

  When To Use...

This tea can be taken internally and applied externally to heal the skin. Take 1-2x a day for 3-6 weeks to clear the skin with a gentle kidney flush. Add tea to a bath or directly the skin to relieve discomfort like itching or dryness. 

Herbs included... 

This tea includes herbs like marshmallow and chickweed to heal and soothe tissue externally, and support the gut internally. Calendula was chosen the heal damaged cells and increase circulation. It works with burdock and nettle to flush the entire lymph system, which drains all bodily fluid. This will in turn cleanse the blood, bowel and urine.

Calendula- astringent to skin, anti- inflammatory, antiviral, antioxidant, promotes wound healing and stimulates lymph circulation.

 Nettle- natural diuretic, provides nutrients, treats allergic reactions, improved blood circulation and detoxification.

Burdock root-  improves digestion, alkalizes the body, anti- inflammatory, strengthens lymphatic system, flushes bodily fluids like blood and lymph.

Chickweed- relieves itching, stimulates lymph movement, tones the liver, moist and cooling to inflamed tissue.

Marshmallow root-  heals the bowl, lubricates the GI tract, aids digestions, reduces water retention and soothes irritated tissue.