What is a Skin Patch Test?
A skin patch test is the process of testing a product on the skin to see if it causes irritation or an allergic reaction. We recommend competing the test over the course of a 7-10 days for those with very sensitive skin. This is because it may take a few days for an allergic reaction to appear. A skin patch test should be done on the inside of the arm (bend of the elbow) or leg were the skin is thinner and more sensitive. This will allow you to see how it may affect other sensitive areas of the body like the face or groin area.
1. Apply a small amount of body butter to the inside of the arm or leg. You can circle the area to remember where to you applied the product.
2. The next day, check the site for any reaction. Symptoms of an allergic reaction include redness, itching or hives. Hives are small, raised bumps that usually appear in clusters.
3. Repeat steps over the next few days for individuals with very sensitive skin. This will ensure you do not have a delayed reaction to our product.
If you do see a reaction, the herbal butter may be too strong for your skin or you may have an allergy to one of the ingredients incorporated in our recipe. You can relieve the symptoms by first washing off the product with soap and water. Then applying a cold compress or petroleum jelly to area. For a severe reaction where symptoms begin to spread, an anti-histamine can be applied to the area or taken internally.